Unit code 104899

Office hours for students Lara Piccardo: Via Teams writing an e-mail to lara.piccardo@unige.it

Lesson starts: 15 September 2021, classroom 18, timetable: Wednesday 12-14, Thursday 8-10, Friday 8-10.

To access, students must follow the rules indicated by the University:

- reserve a seat in the classroom on the website https://easyacademy.unige.it/portalestudenti; when booking you will also be asked for a declaration of absence of symptoms and close contacts with positives;

- access the spaces with Greenpass and equipped with a surgical mask, keeping the distance;

- follow the instructions of the reception staff;

- always keep the same place in the classroom with the mask on, frequently sanitize your hands, do not crowd into common areas and bathrooms.

For those who cannot book a seat in the classroom, it is possible to follow the lessons through Teams, code n3sov8u.

Course description, location, amis and contents, exam description and further information